Armel Edmond J. Lefebvre
Time: Feb 22, 2023

Research Direction: My overall research goal is to design digital infrastructure that supports efficient and reproducible scientific knowledge diffusion. Therefore, my main research interests are in the areas of research data management, research intelligence as well as research performance evaluation.

As a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Complex Network Intelligence Center (CCNI) in THBI, I am working on the LIPEA+ project that aims at designing a digital research platform to strengthen the efficiency and reproducibility of data analyses in the Lipidomics domain.

To achieve this, LIPEA+ combines machine intelligence with Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data and software technology and practices. On the one hand, Machine Intelligence enables the automated integration of lipidomic data with domain knowledge. On the other hand, FAIR data and software technology aims at facilitating the exchange and reproduction of analyses performed by the LIPEA+ platform.