Weiwei Fan
Master Student
She is currently pursuing a master's degree in the Department of Psychological and Cognitive Science at Tsinghua University. Previously, she served as the content editor-in-chief for applications related to children's health and education, where she planned and produced widely popular educational courses. Her research focuses on whether the prevalent "guan" (control) beliefs held by parents in today's family education environment support the development of children's agency and which parenting beliefs are more conducive to fostering this agency. She aims to explore how parental beliefs impact children's agency to provide valuable insights for parent-child interactions in everyday family education.
Hirsh-Pasek, K.*, Masters, A. S.*, Christie, S., Gibbs, H. M., Evans, N. S., Fletcher, K. K., Pesch, A., Yang, H., Fan, W., Todaro, R. D., Golinkoff, R. M., & Xu, F. (2022) . Where global science meets playful learning: Implications for home, school, and city planning [White paper]. The Lego Foundation and the Yidan Foundation. www.learningthroughplay.com
吕金云, 方艺瑾, 樊薇薇, 杨慧颖, & Stella Christie. (2022). 早期玩耍是终身学习的基础. 早期儿童发展, 1: 9-23.