​Yijin Fang
Time: Jan 20, 2022

Yijin Fang

Ph.D Student

She is a PhD candidate in the Department of Psychological and Cognitive Science at Tsinghua University. Her research focuses on individual's exploratory behavior in the uncertain contexts. She is working on understanding: what kind of exploration strategies individuals adopt to cope with uncertainty? How do internal (e.g., knowlegde states; confidence) and environmental factors (e.g., time pressure; diversity and complexity) influence people's exploration? and what is the developmental trajectory of these exploratory strategies?


Fang, Y., Yang, H., & Christie, S. (2024). The Effect of Perceived vs. Factual Knowledge on Exploration. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 46).

吕金云, 方艺瑾, 樊薇薇, 杨慧颖, & Stella Christie. (2022). 早期玩耍是终身学习的基础. 早期儿童发展, 1: 9-23.

Christie, S., Lyu, J., Fang, Y. (2020). The cognitive science of urban space design for children. Landscape Architecture Frontiers, 8(2).                          

Lyu, J., Fang, Y., & Christie, S. (2022). Didactic culture affects children
s learning from play. Talk to be presented at the Cognitive Development Society Bi-Ennial Conference 2022, Madison, WI

Fang, Y., Lyu, J., & Christie, S. (2021). Learning from play: The mechanisms and constraints. Talk presented at the 14th International Conference on Brain Informatics, Padova, Italy

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