Yue Wu
Time: Jan 10, 2024

Yue Wu

Ph.D Student

Personal introduction

2023.9 until now Ph.D in Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University

2017.9-2021.6 MSc in Control Science and Engineering, Beijing University of Technology

2013.9-2017.6 BEng in Electrical Engineering and Automation, Southwest Jiaotong University

Research Direction

The focus of my research is on efficient machine learning and network science, exploring the implementation of high-efficiency, low-complexity algorithms based on both classical and quantum computing. Additionally, I study the applications of machine learning and network science in life sciences, biomedical engineering, and neuroscience.


Acevedo A, Wu Y, Traversa FL, Cannistraci CV (2024) Geometric separability of mesoscale patterns in embedding representation and visualization of multidimensional data and complex networks. PLOS Complex Systems 1(2): e0000012. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcsy.0000012


Email: wuy50271àтgmail.com

PREV : Yingtao Zhang

NEXT : Thomas Adler